Mining cryptocurrency can be risky. The amount of technical expertise required is far above most people’s knowledge and time. Buying specialised hardware which does the job for you is an option, but with the hidden costs in the form of electricity and the ever-evolving market this investment can easily become your ruin.
Certainly, currently there exist software applications which do the job for you. Here at Cudo we have developed the Cudo Miner platform, which is a software that after you download it gets you earning money in the form of cryptocurrencies after only a couple of clicks.
However, cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile. This means that the currency in which you get paid may change its value drastically within a few hours. While this can lead to both a great profit or a big loss of the money earned by the software, many people are not willing to take the risk.
Likewise, if you pay enough attention and spend enough time, you might find ways to make a profit out of this volatility. Again, though, this is far from the comfort zone of most people. While at Cudo we let you choose in which coin you get paid out, the underlying fact is still there.
However, using our Miner platform you do make a profit, sometimes bigger sometimes smaller, depending on the market. We think that this is an excellent way of using the computing power of your devices while you are not using them, or an optimal and easy way of using your mining rigs to earn cryptocurrencies.
However, imagine for a moment a platform where, without any extra work, your current mining earnings could be your minimum, guaranteed profit. Most of the time your device would be working on something else, more profitable than mining and with a more stable income. And what’s better: this platform would potentially let you include your smartphone, for extra earnings, while it is charging next to you at night.
Well, we are writing this post with very good and exciting news: we are building that platform. We will shortly be presenting our Cudo Compute platform, which will let your devices accept and process many different kinds of workloads. For the user, this will only translate into a greatly increased revenue, and no other changes, when compared to our very successful Cudo Miner.
We will be releasing soon our whitepaper with all the explanations necessary to understand this new platform and how it works. However, feel free in the meantime to have a look at our most recent post, to understand how Cudo Compute is pushing the cloud services to its next evolutionary step.
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